Monday, September 30, 2019


Republicans throughout Congress want it understood that the only reason we're not going to get affordable healthcare, lower drug prices, rebuilt infrastructure, higher wages and a whole slate of legislative Xmas gifts is entirely the fault of the Dems and their focus on impeaching Donald Trump. "We were all set to really go to work on healthcare, and education, and infrastructure, everything everybody wants until the Democrats shifted their focus off these issues to obsess on impeachment. You could've had healthcare reform by year's end if not for the Dems hatred of this President. Now you'll get nothing. What a shame but it's clear who's at fault. " said Senator (R)Jord Jimlan.

We're not working with you and 
you can't make us!
When it was pointed out that none of these issues were on the Republican agenda prior to the impeachment proceedings, Senator Jimlan replied, "We were right at the point of adding them when this Whistleblower nonsense broke and the Dems went nuts. Now all they want to do is impeach, impeach, impeach and nothing else so it's entirely their fault."

Although Progressives have continued to propose this sort of legislation during the impeachment inquiry, the Republicans have refused to consider any of it and instead have vowed to do nothing and simply allow all Democratic legislation die in the Senate as long as the impeachment continues.

In other words, nothing has changed but now there's an impeachment inquiry going on.

We'll take that and call it a win.

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