After a 2.5 year long honeymoon between Donald Trump and Fox News, the relationship has apparently cooled in recent weeks evidenced by Trump's public statements of dissatisfaction over his former media flame. The fallout seems to have begun because several Fox newsreaders had the ongoing temerity to factually state Trump's lies, incompetence, and corruption rather than spin any of it into examples of his qualifications and/or accomplishments.
Spinning bullshit since 1996 |
It works like this: Trump does something stupid, or incompetent, or corrupt Fox News reports it but presents it to their low information viewership as intelligent, well thought out and reasonable or they simply don't report on it at all. When he lies and he's called out on it, Fox News will claim that it was never a lie at all. Everybody in Trump world shouts "fake news!" and Trump's base is satisfied that their personal little tin god was once again made the victim of a smear campaign by the biased liberal news media but they were too smart to be fooled by it. They and Trump proclaim victory and complete exoneration. .
Denial of reality is mandatory if one is going to be a Trump supporter.
This was the arrangement so when some of Fox's on-air talent actually reports on Trump honestly, pointing out his lies, incompetence and/or corruption for what it actually is AND reports on Trump's plummeting poll numbers factually, well, Trump sees that as a betrayal of their arrangement One that he wasn't going to handle gracefully. So like a wife who had gotten a few years too old or gained 10-15lbs it was time for a divorce -- a spiteful, public spectacle because Trump makes everything a spiteful public spectacle.
The relationship can be saved but it will be entirely on Fox News to do so. They'll have to apologize and beg his forgiveness. If they wait for him to make the first move, they'll be waiting forever and they know that.
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