To maximize votes from the states that are red
He'll do it through gerrymandering and voter suppression
No trick is too low to realize his obsession
When told that Russia wants to help his party win
He jumps into action to do what he kin
To aid them Ruskies with their nefarious plan
And smooth the way for his conservative klan
When legislation is drafted to help keep things fair
He's there to make certain that it goes nowhere
Fairness and honesty, these are just words
And words are for losers and losing's for the birds
"Help us, please, Russia, so we can stay in power!"
"The Constitution is just paper I wipe with in the shower."
"All that matters is that we keep our jobs"
"Voted into office by all those ignorant slobs."
So Moscow Mitch quietly works his schemes
While America burns and bursts at the seams
It's all part of what he must do to leap those hurdles
It's just who you are when you're the son of evil turtles
Do svidanya Moscow Mitch
The old, ugly face of evvil
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