Monday, November 25, 2019


Evangelical Republicans often claim that Donald Trump was chosen by diving providence to be the President. Outgoing Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry, said so again just this week. If this is true then that would mean that God has most likely had a hand in the selection of everyone who's ever been President.

God looking over the candidates and 
considering who He likes best.
Makes sense, don't it? If God is going to involve himself in America's politics and particularly who gets to sit in the Oval Office then whoever gets the job was GOD's preference. So why do the evangelicals only ever support God's choice for President when it's a Republican? When GOD chose Obama last time around, the evangelicals lost their shit. They clearly felt that God had failed in his selection that time but as soon as there was another Repub sitting there they once again felt free to proclaim God's wisdom even though the guy God had chosen was Donald Trump, a sociopathic gameshow host with the skin tone of a radioactive Cheetoh and a dead marmoset on his head.

This all seems very disingenuous and I'm calling shenanigans on the evangelicals. If God's picking the Presidents then he's picking ALL of them, even the ones you don't like. So if you find a far left Progressive Dem like Sanders or Warren sitting in the big chair after November of 2020, remember, that was GOD's choice.

Who are you to question the wisdom of GOD?

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