Tuesday, October 20, 2020


The Trump campaign is running out of ideas to discredit Joe Biden as a Presidential candidate. Trying to brand him as a socialist didn't take, saying he hates law and order and will destroy the police also fell on deaf ears, and Hunbter Biden is mostly played out. So none of it worked and time is getting very short -- the election is in just two weeks.

So the Trump campaign needs something they can use against Biden and their desperation is being reflected in the ideas that are being floated:

Biden challenging Trump's campaign 
manager to a fistfight.

 - Joe Biden worked as a border patrol agent in New Mexico during the 60s and let tens of thousands of immigrants in without checking for papers.

 - Biden was a major financial contributor to an anti-law organization called F-CK the PO-LICE.

 - That Joe Biden is a secret atheist who writes blasphemous poetry and posts anti-Jesus memes under the internet pseudonym, "H8rofGodxXx" 

 - That Joe Biden is working with a foreign government to get himself elected.

Okay, so they don't think that last one is so bad but the rest of it would be inexcusable. The fact that none of it is true and is easily disproven with a simple web search doesn't matter. They know no one who would vote for Donald Trump would ever do any research into anything so they can say whatever they like and it'll just be taken at face value.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


With the election looming in only three weeks and the President tanking in just about every poll taken Donald Trump is becoming increasingly desperate in the face of a hopeless chance at re-election. What is a malignant narcissist to do when faced with the soul crushing reality that you suck and everyone hates you?

Trump's Director of

Why you do anything, of course and Donald Trump is prepared to do just that. To this end, Trump has retained the services of a mystic gypsy woman to cast spells on the Biden campaign, The nature of these spells is not known but the Trump campaign has been spending their money on a lot of weird things like eye of newt, toe of frog, and penis of orangutan. The only comment Trump has made about her is that he wishes she were "hotter."

"You have to understand, the President can't lose this election, his ego will shatter." said Bo Muck, a Trump campaign staffer. "The President can't handle losing because if he loses then he's a loser. He'd rather see the country burn down than lose this election and he's willing to do just that to win."

Trump's delicate ego notwithstanding, he is losing but he's also cheating as fast as he can so who knows how this madness is going to end. Someone will be inaugurated on Jan 20, 2021 and we may not truly know who it is until then.